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What is Ubuntu? Why Should I Use Ubuntu?

What is Ubuntu? Why Should I Use Ubuntu?

Ubuntu is an open source Linux distribution based on Debian, a freely available operating system that uses the Linux kernel.

The open source community is full of engaging projects and companies, such that even companies developing closed source products like Microsoft are starting to embrace it.

Ubuntu is one of the open source projects that developed with a wide-ranging follow-up.

It was originally developed for personal computers, with versions available for servers and smartphones.

Ubuntu's development is led by Canonical, a UK-based company founded by Mark Shuttleworth.

The primary version of Ubuntu uses a graphical user interface called GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) and a set of desktop applications for Linux.

GNOME is basically very similar to the Windows desktop interface and is designed to make Linux easy for non-programmers to use.

Although GNOME is the primary version, there are a few other distributions available. These include Ubuntu Server Edition, Ubuntu Studio, Edubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and JeOS.

It consists of many software packages such as Ubuntu, LibreOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird and Transmission, these are more available in different versions rather than the default install.

Benefits of Ubuntu

Ubuntu had many benefits over Windows and other operating systems.

Ubuntu is free: The first advantage of Ubuntu is that it is completely free. Unlike Mac OS or Windows, you don't have to pay any fees to use it.

Ubuntu is easily customizable: While Windows offers some customization features, Ubuntu is much more customizable compared to other popular operating systems. This ensures that you can use ubuntu exactly according to your needs. You can customize each feature of the UI that enables us to make your machine more efficient.

Ubuntu is more secure: Most operating systems have their share of problems. However, Ubuntu is much more secure compared to other operating systems such as Windows. You don't need to pay a fee while working on this operating system to protect your machine. This is why using Ubuntu is a good idea.

Can be run from a flash drive: You don't need to install it to run. You can install it on a portable drive and run it from there. This means you can carry your operating system with you wherever you go.

Good option for development: It is one of the best options for programming and coding. It gives you several options with default tools that allow you to code immediately. Office suites as well as text editors are directly included. This means you won't need to install separate compilers or software on your operating system to start coding.

Frequent updates: The support provided by Ubuntu is much better than other operating systems. Any bugs or vulnerabilities get patched pretty quickly. Plus, with every update you will get a bunch of new features. This will help make your operating system more efficient.

Virtual desktops: Ubuntu offers you multiple desktops like the screen on your smartphone. You can switch between different screens to work on different software. This allows you to increase your productivity significantly.

These are just some of the advantages of this operating system over other operating systems. Overall, it's not only easier to use, it's fully customizable; this makes it better than other operating systems.

What Can You Do With Ubuntu?

In short, you can do whatever you want with Ubuntu. It is a powerful and versatile Linux distribution. You can theoretically install and run Ubuntu on any device you own. This means you can run Ubuntu on your desktop and laptop. You can even make your own design machine with Linuxcnc, you can find the installation guide prepared by martin.

You can then use Ubuntu to host your website on a server. Using Ubuntu, you can create a network attached storage device to back up your files on your network. You can then install Ubuntu Core on a Raspberry Pi to use it as an IoT device.

If you're probably reading this, you might be considering installing Ubuntu on your desktop or laptop. You will find many options even there.

Ubuntu comes with a variety of programs, each built for a specific purpose or around a desktop environment. Desktop environments determine the look and feel of ubuntu. It also includes utilities with any graphics system, such as file managers, archive tools, and PDF viewers.

Ubuntu is like any desktop operating system. You can find any software you may need in Ubuntu, and most of them are free. Ubuntu is also an excellent game operating system.

You can install Steam on Ubuntu and use it to play thousands of games, including some games exclusive to Windows. Also, installing the latest graphics drivers for your video card is not difficult in Ubuntu. While you can't find exactly the same programs, it's pretty hard to think of anything you can't do with Ubuntu on desktop.

The Future of Ubuntu

It's hard to say what the future will bring for Ubuntu, but it remains the most advanced major player in the tech world. Ubuntu has always been making progress in this area, with upgrades to favorite distributions and versions in cloud systems.

Also, AI and machine learning continues. This popular Linux distribution continues to roll out to Ubuntu Core, an IoT-specific version.

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