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Showing posts from October, 2020

What is Ubuntu? Why Should I Use Ubuntu?

What is Ubuntu? Why Should I Use Ubuntu? Ubuntu is an open source Linux distribution based on Debian, a freely available operating system that uses the Linux kernel. The open source community is full of engaging projects and companies, such that even companies developing closed source products like Microsoft are starting to embrace it. Ubuntu is one of the open source projects that developed with a wide-ranging follow-up. It was originally developed for personal computers, with versions available for servers and smartphones. Ubuntu's development is led by Canonical, a UK-based company founded by Mark Shuttleworth. The primary version of Ubuntu uses a graphical user interface called GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) and a set of desktop applications for Linux. GNOME is basically very similar to the Windows desktop interface and is designed to make Linux easy for non-programmers to use. Although GNOME is the primary version, there are a few other distributions available. T...