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What is Bug?

What is Bug?

Although everyone who follows computer games closely knows the term “bug”, when many people first hear “What does Bug mean?” she can't help herself asking. As of today, it is an English term. The bug was first used by Thomas Edison in 1878.

Bug, which is a very troubling situation for computer software developers, is known as “software error” in computer language. If it is desired to be explained in more detail, it can be defined as a defect, failure, or malfunction in the computer program or in a system that causes erroneous and undesired results. In summary, what is Bug? In response to the question can be called error or defect.

How to Find a Bug?

To find bugs in the software, the system features must be thoroughly analyzed. Bug, which differs according to many systems, can be defined as an unknown error. For example, if you see a transaction that gives you superiority outside of the standards while playing games, this may be a bug. Similarly, if the game gets stuck, the character can repeat the same movement, but it can be described as a software flaw.

While recently using any feature in social media programs, getting unknown errors or accessing non-feature areas can also be called a kind of bug. The person who wants to find bugs in the software must have a significant amount of code information. Finding and detecting these errors can take time for software developers.

Finding the bug in the system often turns out to be more complicated than writing code. Because the software and therefore programs become different because of the bug in the system and may no longer be available. Because of all this, large companies have special screens to report bugs. People who find bugs that cause security vulnerability are rewarded by the company.

If there is no serious software vulnerability in the system, recently used free bug-tracking tools can also be used. Tools like PivotalTracker, Backlog, Trac, FogBugz, WebIssues, Mantisbt, and Redmine can help to find the bug in the system.

What is Entering Buga?

Entering a bug is to encounter an unknown error in computer programs, games, or websites. For example, while playing games, not being able to find an item that should be in the system and not performing routine operations normally can be called a bug. Apart from that, when the software is entered into bugs, systemic errors occur. For example, if a website enters a bug, a security vulnerability may occur.

Why Are Bug Issues Important?

The bugs detected in computer programs or systems can cause the system to work unusually with sudden and unexpected errors. Most of these bugs are caused by the developers of the program making mistakes in the source code or design area and compilers maintaining the wrong codes.

Bugs are the most dangerous types of errors that can be encountered. It arises as a result of the wrong thinking of some strategies in programming logic. Most of the time, a bug in the system may cause unusual activity in customer usage. For example, a bug in software belonging to e-commerce sites can cause a logical error in the form of incorrect or incomplete calculation of the values ​​to be calculated. This may result in under or overpayment in purchases.

Today, bugs can be seen even in operating systems. For example, even in Windows XP software created by writing 5 million lines of code, bugs were encountered and reported by users. The detected bugs were corrected by patches developed by Microsoft. However, if patches were detected by a hacker before Microsoft, abuse could have occurred.

The Flickr page I recommend for bug and more in computer technologies:

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